Feedback System Analysis

This article intends to deal with the analysis of feedback systems.

General Consideration

A negative feedback system is as follows

Feedback System Diagram

Reorganize the items, we have

$H(s)$ is called the open-loop gain, while $H(s)G(s)$ is called the loop gain, and $Y(s)/X(s)$ is called the closed-loop transfer function. The loop gain can be obtained by

  1. Set the main input to zero
  2. Break the loop at some point
  3. Inject a test signal in the correct direction
  4. Follow the loop and obtain the value that returns to the break point
  5. The negative of the transfer function is the loop gain

Assume $H(s)=A, G(s)=\beta$, we have

Thus, for negative-feedback system, as long as $\beta A$ is large enough, the closed loop gain is determined by the feedback coefficient.

  1. Bandwidth: for one pole gain $A(s)=\frac{A_0}{1+s/\omega_0}$, the transfer function is $Y(s)/X(s)=\frac{A_0/(1+\beta A_0)}{1+s/[(1+\beta A_0)\omega_0]}$, and thus the bandwidth is extended by the loop gain, leaving the GBW unchanged.
  2. Nonlinearity: reduced

Types of Amplifiers

Different Types of Amplifiers

Corresponding implementation

Amplifier Implementation

Sensing and Return Mechanism

Sensing and Return Mechanism

Input and Output Impedance

Voltage-Voltage Feedback

Voltage-Voltage Feedback

For the output impedance

Voltage-Voltage Feedback, Output Impedance

Assume that feedback network draws no current

For the input impedance

Voltage-Voltage Feedback, Input Impedance

Current-Voltage Feedback

Current-Voltage Feedback

For the output impedance

Current-Voltage Feedback, Output Impedance

For the input impedance

Current-Voltage Feedback, Input Impedance

Voltage-Current Feedback

Voltage-Current Feedback

Voltage-Current Feedback, Impedance Calculation

For the output impedance

For the input impedance

This topology has application in fiber optic receivers, where light is converted to electrical current through a reverse-biased diode. A transimpedance amplifier (TIA) is adopted to convert this current signal into voltage signal.

Current-Current Feedback

Current-Current Feedback

For the output impedance

For the input impedance

Limitations of the Simple Analysis

What is loading effect?

The non-ideal input and output impedance of the feedback network could degrade the open-loop gain.

Feedback Analysis Difficulties

Possible methods

Possible Analysis Methods

Two Port Models

Z, Y, H, and G Models





Voltage-Voltage Feedback

Voltage-Voltage Feedback, using G Model

We have

For that matter, the $A_{v,open}$ should be calculated using the configuration

Voltage-Voltage Feedback, Open-Loop Gain Calculation


To calculate the gain with the loading effect, the procedure is as follows:

  1. Open the loop with proper loading and calculate the open-loop gain $A_{OL}$
  2. Determine the feedback ratio $\beta$
  3. Calculate the closed-loop gain with $A_{OL}/(1+\beta A_{OL})$

Summary of Open-Loop Gain Calculation

Bode's Analysis

Bode's Analysis

Assume $I_1=g_mV_1$, we have

The return ratio (RR) is defined as $-g_mD$.

The procedure

  1. Disable the transistor and by setting $g_m=0$ and obtain A and C
  2. Set input to zero and calculate B and D
  3. Solve the $A_v$ with above equations

Blackman's Theorem

Blackman's Theorem

It follows that

If we define two quantities

And therefore

Stability Consideration

Consider again the closed-loop transfer function

If $G(s)H(s)=-1$, the gain goes to infinity. This is the condition of instability, which can be equivalently expressed as

which are called “Barkhausen’s Criteria.” We introduce several notions:

  • Gain Crossover Frequency: The frequency when open-loop gain reduces to 1 (0 dB), denoted as GX.
  • Phase Crossover Frequency: The frequency when the phase of open-loop gain reduces to $-180^\circ$, denoted as PX.
  • Phase Margin: Defined as $180^\circ+\angle\beta H (f=GX)$, denoted as PM.

If $\text{PM}=60^\circ$, we have

There will be negligible frequency peaking.
